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Custom Envelope

Envelope Printing offers dozens of envelope types and tailor-made designs, including specialty products tailor-made to your individual requirements. We can accommodate for your specific envelope printing needs in terms of envelope size, colour, style, and more.

We also offer wallet envelope, pocket envelope, banker envelope and booklet mailer products.

These include:

  • Economical flexographic printing for large quantities, with the printing done as the envelope is manufactured.
  • Flat sheet printing, using specialty papers in a wide range of sizes, colours and print finish, resulting in spectacular designs and colours. The only limit is your imagination.

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(Price shown includes printing, GST, download and Off Peak delivery for packages under 10kg)

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Please complete all fields below to submit your file to Envelope Printing. Any queries you may have about file requirements may be answered at our FAQ.

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Artwork Checklist
  • Preferred file formats: PDF, TIFF, JPG, EPS.
  • Maximum file size: 1 MB
  • 3mm bleed
  • 100% Scale
  • 1-up on a single page
  • Convert your text to paths, curves or outlines
  • Please ensure that all images are 300dpi
  • Nominate all colours as CMYK or Pantones (PMS)
  • If the file larger than 10 MB, please send the file with email.
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